RBK-004 Guy ● Showroom Fallen New Wife's Yuri Fukada


RBK-004 Guy ● Showroom Fallen New Wife's Yuri Fukada

Release date: 2021/02/07
Length: 120 mins
Cast: Fukada Yuri
Director: Kaoru Okuzono
Series: He●Showroom
Maker: Attackers
Label: Dragon Bond
Genre: Young Wife / Juvenile Wife Single Work Anal Enema Sample Video
Reference: rbk004
Average rating: View reviews


After working in a model room at Kashiwagi House, he married his colleague Masahiko after an in-house love affair and left his office. Airi lived a happy newlywed life as a full-time housewife, but she was caught in the trap of the Kashiwagi family and trained by a entertainment guy dedicated to the showroom. In addition, at the request of Togashi, an upper guest of Kashiwagi House who liked Airi, it was developed even....