Sentai Pink Transformation Undone Seiko Sentai Sairyuuger Sairyu Pink Misaki Ne


Full HD [SPSC-50] Sentai Pink Transformation Undone Seiko Sentai Sairyuuger Sairyu Pink Misaki Ne

Release Date: 2024/11/22
Length: 90 min(s)
Cast: Misaki Ne
Director: Una Tsuki,
Studio / Producer: GIGA
Label: GIGA
Genres: Featured Actress Special Effects Sample Video
Model No.: h_173spsc50
Average Rating: Average Rating:
Related Tags: See Review


Kayo Takaji, aka Sairyu Pink, one of the members of Seiko Sentai Sairyuger, confronts the bone monster Skull Mask under Rozle and manages to win despite being in a pinch. The next assassin sent by Rozle, the leader of the angry space menace "Deathgeron Empire", is a painter phantom sketch mask. Sairyu Pink, who has fallen into the mysterious art of the sketch mask, is forced to untransform. Kayo Takaharu is unable to transform and is subjected to a number of obscene punishments. Kayo manages to escape by taking a gap in the sketch mask, but ....[BAD END]